Ghostly Pepperoni Pizza

 150 g D'Orsogna Traditional Pepperoni, sliced
 1 Fresh pizza base
 200 g Fresh mozzarella cheese
 ½ cup Pizza sauce
 Jar of Black Olives

Another fun take on a classic pizza is this spooky recipe that will guarantee to be a hit with the family this Halloween.

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Place fresh pizza base onto a baking tray. Spread pizza sauce on top then add D'Orsogna Pepperoni slices on top and place the oven to cook until pepperoni is golden for approximately 10 minutes.


Remove the pizza from the oven and set it aside to cool. Cut olives in half and slice 1 half of each olive into 6 slices. Cut cheese into ghost shapes and top with small pieces of olive for eyes then place into a pizza base.


Place uncut olive halves between ghosts and use sliced olives to give each spider 8 legs.


Add the pizza back into the oven and bake until the cheese starts to look melted for approximately 30 to 60 seconds then serve.