How to Store your Christmas Ham
On Christmas Day, it’s common to admire the shiny glaze on the delicious ham and assume there won’t be any leftovers. However, every year, we find ourselves with more ham than we can handle. This raises the important question: What do you do with leftover Christmas ham? Luckily, our team of experts are Christmas ham […]
How to make Glazed Ham
Elevate your holiday feast with these step-by-step instructions on preparing and scoring your Christmas ham. Removing the Rind: Begin by cutting through the rind around the top of the bone handle. From the face of the ham, cut down to the top of the bone handle. Using a small knife, run it under the skin […]
How to cook your Christmas Ham
The holiday season calls for a centrepiece that not only tantalizes taste buds but also adds a touch of elegance to your festive table. Look no further than our guide to crafting the perfect Succulent Baked Christmas Ham! 1. Unwrapping and Prepping: Remove the cooked leg ham from its packaging. Gently lift the rind and […]